For Mental Health Awareness Month, the Indianapolis Arts Chorale is excited to offer the Indianapolis community a performance highlighting mental health through song. Naturally, music is often a source of therapy, joy, or simple comfort for all moments of life’s journey.
There is no greater job for a community than to stand together through the hardest that life has to offer, while also finding the joy and beauty in the best that life has to offer. The singers of the Indianapolis Arts Chorale hope to remind ourselves and our community that we are only strengthened when we Stand Together on Saturday, May 11, 2024.
There is no greater job for a community than to stand together through the hardest that life has to offer, while also finding the joy and beauty in the best that life has to offer. The singers of the Indianapolis Arts Chorale hope to remind ourselves and our community that we are only strengthened when we Stand Together on Saturday, May 11, 2024.
May 11, 2024 7:00 pm
5500 N Meridian St Indianapolis, IN 46208
Parking Info
Meridian Street UMC has ample on site parking lots to the north, west, and south sides of the building. Please enter through the doors on the northwest corner of the building.
Meridian Street UMC is wheelchair accessible.